2D Galaxy Shooter - GameDevHQ

This is a 2D space shooter game with 3D elements and infinite levels with a boss fight at level 10.  There are 5 types of enemies including the boss and each enemy will spawn in later rounds of the game.  There are 8 collectable items which are as follows.

HP Potion  - Restores 1 life to the player

Ammo - Adds 3 to the players current ammo

Speed Powerup - Increases speed

Shield Powerup - Gives a player a shield that can withstand multiple enemy attacks

Tripleshot Powerup - Turns the players single laser into three.

Spikeyball Powerup - Turns the players single laser into a giant spikey ball.

Missile Powerup - Turns the players single laser into heat seeking missiles.

Coin Debuff - Subtracts 3 from the players current ammo and can go negative.

***KNOWN ISSUES*** {Please send me a message if you find anything else}

1.boss dying isn't triggering the next wave of enemies to spawn and boss isn't being deleted after boss animation.

2.second enemy isn't displaying correct animation before dying.

3.multiple speed boosts are making player move double the intended speed.

4.collecting multiple power ups aren't making the intended player movements and are sharing a cooldown 

5.UI isn't scaling to screen size properly.

6.Each individual laser is causing a collision when there are multiple projectiles two or more collisions make occur taking either 2 HP or 2 shield damage instead of 1 as defined need to 7.figure out a way to make the lasers only do one instance of damage. Boss can be killed very quickly with tripleshot.

8. player shield has one more charge than intended is not automatically being removed once it hits 0 it will take an extra hit.

9. UI not properly updating after boss fight 

10. Boss is not deleting or platform when boss fight is over 

11. Missiles need to delete after a defined period of time.

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